About the artist
Each issue was printed on top-quality paper and loosely bound, featuring ten exquisite hand-painted fashion plates that highlighted the newest styles from Paris's leading couture houses. Major art deco artists, including Georges Barbier and Pierre Brissaud, added their creative flair to these plates, merging art, fashion, and lifestyle in an elegantly portrayed narrative setting.
well known fashion houses like Lanvin, Worth, Paquin, often had their designs featured exclusively in the magazine, adding to its allure.
La Gazette du Bon Ton, a compact yet influential French fashion magazine, was circulated from 1912 to 1925, highlighting the latest trends in fashion, lifestyle, and beauty at a time of significant societal and artistic changes. It was known as the Gazette du Bon Genre in the USA, where Condé Nast distributed it, with both names meaning "Journal of Good Taste" or "Journal of Good Style."
To set itself apart from larger mainstream rivals such as Vogue, Harper's Bazaar in the US, and Femina, Les Modes, and L'Art et la Mode in France, the magazine aimed to project an elitist image. It was available solely to subscribers for a hefty annual fee of 100 francs.